Tuesday, September 18, 2007

To my best friend,

My best friend from my childhood, Glen Cheetham was just here. I was

overwhelmed by his visit because it seems now if I see someone and they live a long ways away, chances are I might not see them again, and that is very painful. It was a very different feeling, I never really got to express grief, or I've never been able to feel grieve as I did today.

I had a great visit with Glen, brought back lots of childhood memories of us having fun. Thank you for taking care of the web-site for me. And I will never forget you Glen, my guardian angel.

Bob Jr.


Anonymous said...

I know it's to late for Bobby Jr. to read this but I am really glad that he and my Brother Glen had a chance to see each other one more time and to say their goodbyes.

I am very sorry for your loss. But just remember that although we may miss him down here on earth Bobby is now with God and feels no more pain.

God Bless, I will be praying for you & your family at this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Words can not express how your family has touched my heart and my Life! Bob will Always be one of MY heros, I know he is a hero and an inspiration to many out there as well. Star I can only say I am so so sorry that your family had to go through this, but please know that you and Bob and your family have touched the lives and hearts of so many people who will be eternally grateful to you for the courage strength love determination and fight for life that you and Bob showed each and every day! I will remember Bob always for his love and lust for life and his family and for his strength and his completely selfless and giving nature. Please know you can always call on me if there is anything I can do for you and Skye.
With Love